Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Can Balancing Your Hormones Be The Key To Weight Loss?

Does this sound familiar? You diet, you exercise, you do everything right… but that last 10, 15, even 20 lbs just will not come off? It’s frustrating, we get it…really, we GET IT. There are a lot of things that factor into weight loss, and believe it or not, food and exercise aren’t the only things that determine that number on the scale. It could be that your hormone levels are out of whack, and balancing them may be the key to hitting your goal weight.

The Link Between Your Hormones and Weight

When it comes to weight loss and hormones, there are five key players. A disruption in one can really mess you up, and an imbalance in two or more can really pack on the pounds. There is good news, though. Once you realize that it’s your hormones that are causing your weight gain, balancing them should help you shed those extra pounds—in some cases, almost immediately.

5 Hormones to Keep an Eye On

1. Cortisol

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This one is a biggie when we’re talking about hormones related weight-gain. Cortisol is known as “the stress hormone”. When we are under pressure or feeling a lot of tension, our body releases extra cortisol to help deal with it, and by “deal with it” we mean that this hormone makes you hungry. For those of us who tend to “eat our feelings” when we’re stressed, cortisol might be your kryptonite.

What can you do to rebalance your cortisol levels?=

Cut out what is stressing you, if you can try meditation or yogaKeep healthy snacks on hand for when the munchies strikeGet regular exerciseTry acupuncture Get a relaxing massage

2. Thyroid

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The thyroid gland and its hormones regulate your metabolism. Having a thyroid condition can wreak havoc on not only your bikini body but your social life and overall health. Symptoms of a low or underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) include weight gain, fatigue, hair loss, constipation, infertility, and low libido among other things. Unfortunately, it’s not something a week of eating clean will fix either. You’ll need to see your doctor if you think you’re dealing with a thyroid issue. Keep in mind that one in eight women will develop a thyroid disorder in her lifetime, so if you’re noticing the signs, take them seriously and get tested.

How do you treat an underactive thyroid?

Your doctor may prescribe a synthetic thyroid hormoneReduce or eliminate caffeine and sugar take dietary supplements, especially vitamin D, Omega 3’s, selenium, zinc, and B vitamins at more protein to protect muscle and tissue growth

3. Estrogen

(Photo: Shutterstock)

Too much of this gal can get you in some real trouble around the time your period comes. Estrogen levels naturally rise during the days between ovulation and menstruation but are neutralized by the release of its counter-hormone, progesterone. When women have too much estrogen, and not enough progesterone, they’ll usually notice symptoms such as weight gain, or weight loss resistance, extreme moodiness, PMS and heavy periods.

What can I do about excess estrogen?

See your doctor learn whether medication is neededGet plenty of exercise drink plenty of filtered water take probiotics if you have constipation a low-fat, high-fiber diet

4. Leptin

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Leptin is a natural appetite suppressant. In fact, it’s the chemical that signals to your brain that you are full and it’s time to stop eating. The problem is, when you put on weight, leptin is stored in your fat cells and gets released in higher amounts. If your body becomes bombarded with too much leptin, your brain becomes resistant and stops warning you when you become full, and so you overeat. High levels of leptin have been linked to high blood pressure, insulin disorders, heart disease, and even stroke.

How can I fix leptin resistance?

Cut out sugar and refined foods
Get plenty of sleep
Try a cleanse and detox Take omega 3 supplements (fish oil or krill oil)
Eat protein and healthy fats for breakfast to keep you satisfied longer

5. Insulin

(Photo: Shutterstock)

Insulin is a hormone that is created and secreted by your pancreas. It’s the main job is to regulate blood sugar levels in your body. When the body takes in excess sugar, more insulin has to be secreted to take care it, causing high blood sugar. Any sugar left over that isn’t needed for fuel is then stored as fat. When constantly overworked, you become more at risk for developing diabetes.

How can I balance insulin for weight loss?

Drink plenty of filtered water to flush your system
Eat high protein meals
Eliminate processed food and all white sugar
Try eating six small meals a day instead of three large ones
Choose low-glycemic carbs such as fruit, beans, and leafy vegetables

Now that you’re aware of the five hormones that may affect your weight, be sure you’re maintaining these hormone levels, as well as getting proper nutrition and regular exercise. is an excellent source for healthy meal plans. You can also choose to supplement your vitamins and minerals.

Article by: Natural Healthy Concepts

 ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19)(Photo: Shutterstock)

Overnight Oats. Because of your strong energy as an Aries, you’re likely on the go every morning, which means you need a breakfast you can grab on your way out the door. Oatmeal is full of fiber that will keep you full and energized all day, and if you make it the night before, it takes two seconds to prep in the morning. Add some almonds, honey, or berries for additional flavor.

 TAURUS (April 20 - MAY 20)
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Scrambled eggs with whole wheat toast. Trying to rush a sleepy-headed Taurus is like trying to pour molasses quickly, which is why you like taking your time with a healthy breakfast in the morning. Make sure you wake up early enough to fully enjoy your meal and leave on time.
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Healthy cereals. As a Gemini, you like variety, so keeping several yummy breakfast bowls of cereal on hand is an excellent way to keep your mornings interesting. Skip the sugary options and go for cereals that are high in fiber and protein.

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Protein Pancakes. Chances are, people under this sign are looking for something a little bit comforting and warming in the morning. Nothing brings a smile to your face more than fresh pancakes before work. Just follow a recipe that is on the healthier side. Our Cinnamon Vanilla Protein Pancakes will surely hit the spot.

LEO (July 23 - AUGUST 22)
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An egg and kale sandwich. Let’s be honest: extravagant brunches were probably invented by Leos, so even on busy weekday mornings, you need something a little fancier than most to feel satisfied. Premake healthy, fresh egg sandwiches with greens on the weekend, freeze them, then defrost before you head to work.
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A smoothie. Virgos like to keep things simple and healthy, which makes fruit or protein smoothies a wonderful option. Slice up some fresh fruit, then dump it in a blender with low-fat yogurt and honey.

LIBRA (September 23 - OCTOBER 22)
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Fresh fruit with Greek yogurt. If you’re a Libra, you probably want your morning routine to be neat and aesthetically pleasing. A bowl of brightly colored fruit drizzled with honey and protein-packed Greek yogurt will please both your eyes and your rumbling stomach.

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Cinnamon oatmeal. Scorpios need something intense to wake them up in the morning, and coffee alone won’t do the trick. Try something a bit heavier like oatmeal with brown sugar or cinnamon. It’ll give you the boost of energy you need and satisfy your sweet tooth at the same time.

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Whole wheat waffles. Sagittarius people desire a real boost of energy in the morning, which makes waffles a safe choice. The sugar will give you a jolt of energy and the healthy carbs will keep you going until lunchtime.

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Omelettes. Because these egg dishes take time and dedication, they’re great for Capricorns who love a good challenge. Learn to spice yours up with veggies, different cheeses, and a variety of hot sauces. Looking for a breakfast that packs a serious protein punch? Try our flavorful Greek Omelette with 19 grams of protein and just 204 calories!

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Ezekiel bread with avocado and seasoning. People under the Aquarius sign love to keep up with current trends, and right now, there’s nothing more “in” than a breakfast full of healthy carbs and avocados. Try some of Trader Joe’s “Everything But the Bagel” seasoning for added flavor.

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Protein bars. Pisces people are often running around like a chicken with their head cut off in the morning, so keep breakfast simple and healthy. Stick to protein bars that are low in sugar and made with organic ingredients.

Let us know in the comments — what's your sign and do you feel like descriptions fit your sign well? Try implementing the best breakfast for your zodiac, then see if you stop dreading your morning alarm so much.


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