Tuesday, December 25, 2018

How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids without Surgery

Hemorrhoids are a pain in the butt, quite literally. Dealing with hemorrhoids can be painful and tiresome, and carrying a hemorrhoid pillow around with you can be outright embarrassing. If you’re a frequent victim of this painful condition, some effective home remedies can help you get rid of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids, also called piles, is a medical condition in which one or more blood vessels in the anal region becomes inflamed and swollen. This results in an unbearable stinging pain and, in some cases, bleeding.

Medically speaking, they’re usually not harmful to the body and clear up within a few days to a couple of weeks. However, they are painful and frequent occurrences can affect your quality of life.

Hemorrhoids can be internal or external. Internal hemorrhoids are deep inside rectum. Due to the lack of pain-sensing nerves, you can’t usually feel them. Often, their only indication is rectal bleeding. An internal hemorrhoid may hurt if it prolapses or gets pushed outside with bowel movements.

It’s the external hemorrhoids that wreak havoc on your body and life. They hurt, they bleed and just don’t seem to have any intention of ever completely going away.

You might develop hemorrhoids due to a hereditary predisposition or an overindulgent lifestyle that strains your digestive tract. Direct factors that contribute to straining the blood vessels in the anal region include prolonged and forceful bowel movements due to diarrhea or constipation. The vessels may also strain during pregnancy, especially the third trimester.

In extreme conditions, seeking medical advice is definitely in order. But for less severe cases, some home remedies can be helpful, especially if you frequently suffer from hemorrhoids.

Here are six convenient and inexpensive methods to effectively get rid of your hemorrhoids without surgery.

Method 1: Use Coconut Oil

With the coconut oil craze gaining momentum, almost everyone knows about its antimicrobial properties. But what you’ll be interested in here is its ability to heal hemorrhoids. Coconut oil can either be taken orally or applied topically on hemorrhoids for relief.

Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acid molecules, a type of healthy saturated fat, that help reduce inflammation in the intestinal tract, aid digestion and reduce overall strain on the rectum during excretion. Including virgin coconut oil in your diet can help heal internal hemorrhoids and prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids in the future.

The lauric acid present in coconut oil is responsible for its antimicrobial properties that, in conjunction with its healing properties, can effectively treat external hemorrhoids through topical application. Always opt for unprocessed, organic coconut oil over the refined variety commonly found in stores. You can find organic coconut oil in any health store.

Things you’ll need:

Organic coconut oil (help reduce inflammation)

Dip a cotton ball into the organic coconut oil and dab it over your hemorrhoids. Only use fresh and sterile cotton balls to prevent any chance of infection.

Repeat 2 or 3 times a day until your hemorrhoids heal completely.

Method 2: Use Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

When it comes to hemorrhoids, apple cider vinegar (ACV) is quite an effective remedy. This remedy can also be administered in two ways – topically for external hemorrhoids and orally for internal hemorrhoids.

While it may sting, apple cider vinegar’s effectiveness makes topical application worthwhile. The astringent properties of apple cider vinegar can swiftly reduce the swelling of the blood vessels, thus bringing down the pain and inflammation.

Pectin, present in apple cider vinegar, is a soluble fiber that aids digestion and regularizes bowel movements. Apple cider vinegar also encourages the growth of good bacteria in the intestinal tract. This promotes good digestion, regular bowel movements and soft stools, which is extremely important for those suffering from hemorrhoids as it significantly reduces strain during excretion.

Regular oral consumption of apple cider vinegar can not only cure internal hemorrhoids but also keep them from coming back.

Things you’ll need:

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) (brings down pain and inflammation) – 1 to 2 tablespoonsWarm water – 1 cupMix apple cider vinegar into warm water

Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 1 cup of warm water and mix thoroughly.Consume this apple cider vinegar drink twice a day on an empty stomach until your hemorrhoids go away.

Making it a permanent part of your routine will prevent those hemorrhoids from returning.

Always use raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar instead of the filtered variety for maximum benefits. The former has a cloudy appearance with sediments floating around in it.

Method 3: Use Rutin

Rutin is a bioflavonoid that strengthens the blood vessels. It enhances the action of vitamin C in the body to improve blood circulation. The increased blood flow relieves the strained blood vessels in the anal region, which allows the inflamed vessels to recuperate.

Rutin also helps the production of collagen, which promotes healing by helping to rebuild and strengthen the damaged or broken skin near the hemorrhoids.

Rutin can be found in a variety of natural food sources like citrus fruits, apple peels, buckwheat bran, figs, asparagus, cranberries, mulberries and some green tea infusions. It can also be taken as a dietary supplement to effectively treat hemorrhoids and keep them from coming back. When taken as a dietary supplement, Rutin should be taken alongside vitamins C and B6.

It can safely be taken during pregnancy through natural food sources, which can prove quite beneficial for those with pregnancy-induced hemorrhoids. When taken as a supplement, Rutin makes for a safe and inexpensive hemorrhoid remedy. You can easily find it online or in reputable health stores.

Ensure that you get your Rutin from a reliable brand. The dosage should be according to the instructions on the label or as per your health provider’s advice. Most often, the supplements are sold as capsules with 450 to 500mg. One capsule should be consumed twice a day initially, and the daily dosage should not go over 1,000mg. Once you find relief, you can lower the dosage.

You may consult with your doctor before taking Rutin to make sure that it doesn’t interfere with any ongoing medication. Pregnant and nursing women should talk to their doctor before taking Rutin supplements.

Method 4: Use a Cold Compress

Using a cold compress is an easy, inexpensive way to get relief from extremely painful hemorrhoids. The cold temperature helps numb the pain and reduce the inflammation. Ice also acts as an astringent and brings down the swelling by shrinking the swollen blood vessels. It also helps prevent tissue damage in the inflamed and tender blood vessels.

You can either use an ice pack or a makeshift cold compress. Technically, you can also use a bag of frozen peas and such. But it would simply be wasted food, because you’re not likely to be inclined to eat anything that has come in direct contact with your anal region.

Things you’ll need:

Ice cubes (helps numb the pain)Cotton clothMake an ice pack

Place a few ice cubes in a cotton cloth.Lift the sides of the cloth and bundle the ice cubes in it.Apply the ice pack over the inflamed anal region for 15 to 20 minutes, taking a couple of small breaks in between.You can easily do this several times a day to get relief from the stinging pain of the hemorrhoids.

Repeat as needed.

Method 5: Use Black Peppercorns

A surprise cure for hemorrhoids comes in the form of black peppercorns. While there aren’t extensive studies detailing how it actually works, many find peppercorns to be an extremely effective remedy.

Black peppercorns can provide relief from the stinging pain of the hemorrhoids. The analgesic and inflammatory properties of black peppercorns might be behind it.

Things you’ll need:

Black Peppercorns (provide relief from pain)Consume black peppercorns for relief from hemorrhoids

Consume 5 whole black peppercorns twice a day for relief from hemorrhoids. Have the peppercorns on an empty stomach for best results. You can either swallow them whole or crush them before chasing them down with a mouthful of water.

If the peppercorns seem to upset your stomach, you can lessen the dosage. If there is no adverse effect in your body, you can increase the dosage up to 25 peppercorns a day. They should be swallowed in multiple batches of 5.

Method 6: Use a Sitz Bath

A sitz bath is essentially a warm bath for the perineal area or the area around the perineum, which is the space between the rectum and the vulva or scrotum. It involves submerging the perineal area into warm water, which increases the blood flow to the area, especially improving the circulation in the inflamed blood vessels.

By improving the circulation in the vessels, a sitz bath speeds up healing in the area. It can help relieve itching, irritation and pain in the area.

You can also ask your doctor to prescribe additives to put in your sitz bath for better results. These additives may have antibacterial or pain-relieving properties. Some natural additives that you can put in your sitz bath include table salt, apple cider vinegar and baking soda.

The best feature of a sitz bath is that it’s safe for people of all ages. You can either purchase a sitz bath kit or you can use your bathtub.

Sitz bath kits can usually be placed over your toilet seat for ease of use. The kits usually come with instructions.When taking a sitz bath in your bathtub, ensure its cleanliness before and after taking the sitz bath. Scrub the bathtub with a solution of 2 tablespoons of bleach mixed in 1 gallon of water and rinse thoroughly. This will disinfect your tub and make it suitable for taking a sitz bath.Fill the bathtub with enough warm water to comfortably submerge your perineal area. You can also run a full bath. It’s entirely up to you.Soak your perineal area in warm water for about 20 minutes or until the water becomes cold.TipsYou can also make a suppository (a solid conical or cylindrical medical preparation) of coconut oil and insert it into your rectum for relief from external as well as internal hemorrhoids.Witch hazel oil, olive oil, castor oil or aloe vera can also be used topically like coconut oil to heal hemorrhoids.Always test the temperature of the bath water before taking a sitz bath so that you don’t sustain any burns by accident. Test the temperature by putting a little water on your wrist to find a comfortable temperature.Some people like to follow a warm sitz bath with an ice pack. The warm temperature dilates the vessels and the cold contracts them. The idea is to exercise the blood vessels with the temperature change and develop elasticity in them, making them stronger in order to prevent future hemorrhoids.You can also use crushed ice in your ice pack, if ice cubes feel prodding and uncomfortable.While suffering from hemorrhoids, switch to baby wipes instead of dry toilet paper that can further aggravate the hemorrhoids. Baby wipes will be far gentler on the inflamed rectal area.Use the help of a squatting tool to right your posture and ease your bowel movements when you go to the toilet.Maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle that aims at keeping your digestive system in great condition, with regular bowel movements and constipationand diarrhea at bay. Your stool should be soft and your bowel movements regular in order to keep hemorrhoids at bay.


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