Sunday, July 07, 2019


Regular exercise can reverse type 2 diabetes.

Diabetics should have daily activity because they will benefit from it the most.

They have their insulin not working enough or not working at all, and the result is having too much of glucose in the blood stream. So they need to balance that for curing diabetes type 2.

Authors from American College of Sports Medicine wrote an article about exercise and this chronical disease. Endurance and resistance training are a psychic activity that helps cure diabetes. Regular psychical activity is needed to have lower glucose levels in the blood. It also helps for improving insulin resistance sensitivity, authors say.

Resistance training has the ability to strengthen the muscles, improve endurance and enhance flexibility.

The diabetic who is having this training as the routine, can decrease risk factors of cardiovascular diseases and cure diabetes type 2.

He could improve glucose tolerance and increase insulin sensitivity, which they lack. The diabetics with complications should modify exercise type and intensity.

The best thing to do is to talk to your doctor about it because he knows your condition the best.
They think that patients who start some working program should think of an outcome to stay motivated. The workout of the patient should be controlled and monitored.

The American College and American Diabetes Association published an article regarding benefits of a workout when fighting diabetes. They noticed that many people with diabetes type 2 as a chronic disease, do not become or remain regularly active.

Now we have studies that show the importance of regular activityand improved blood glucose control as a cure for diabetes.

The exercise can prevent or delay this disease among other positive effects on blood pressure, cardiovascular events, lipids, mortality and quality of living. Physical activity and modest weight loss can also lower the risk of diabetes type 2 up to 58%.

Reverse Type 2 Diabetes with Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercise and resistance training are both a big part of diabetes management because of chronic and acute improvements in insulin activity.

The aerobic endurance exercise is recommended, and also activities that activate many muscle group together.

Walking is a suitable sport, for example. It is even better if a diabetic is brisk walking. If you want even more accelerated heart rate, you can choose Nordic walking (walking with poles).

Cycling and swimming are great aerobic exercise as well, and can reverse type 2 diabetes. Both are particularly suitable for those who have problems with overweight and should not be excessively burdening joints of the lower limbs.

Some activities are not advised (diving and challenging mountain climbing), as diabetic’s blood sugar levels can be reduced too much, and it can lead to hypoglycemia. It can cause confusion, thereby increasing the risk of injury.

People who already have damage to the retina in the eyes (retinopathy), shouldn’t weight training because of their rapid changes in blood pressure.

The positive effects of regular physical activity are achieved already with moderate activity. It is important that you find appropriate and varied exercises.

For diabetics, it is especially recommended that they do morning exercise. Before they start the recreation, it is also recommended to consult your doctor, who will exclude any aggravating factors.
Exercise and Diabetes Type 2: The Consumption of the Sugar in Sport

During the hour of exercise, the adult has the consumption of glucose 8 – 12 g / hour. When the training is more difficult, the person consumes even double amount of sugar.

On the other hand, some other hormones in the blood increase during the exercise, which effect is opposite to insulin.

These hormones raise blood sugar levels because they release from reserves of glycogen in the body, especially in muscles and the liver. They encourage the formation of glucose from other substances in the body.

This group of hormones includes adrenaline, glucagon, and cortisol. They form in the specific cells with the endocrine – pancreas and adrenals.

When the effect of these hormones is insufficient, the blood sugar can decrease during sport at a rate of 0.1 mmol / l in a minute. After some time, it will lead to hypoglycemia, as the result of a discrepancy between the hormones the effect of insulin will prevail.
Can Blood Sugar During Physical Activity Rise?

In the absence of insulin, the entry of sugar into the active cell is insufficient. Therefore, the level of blood sugar will be increasing in such a case during physical activity.

When the glycogen stores are spent in the muscle cell as well, this is a signal to the body that it lacks sugar.

This information travels to the liver and warns that it is necessary to release more glucose from large stocks of sugar – glycogen in the liver. The increase in sugar will be even greater.

Here, the important role is played by the hormone glucagon and epinephrine. The glucose starts to release from the liver glycogen.

Hyperglycemia and Physical Activity

In the arduous and long training sessions glycogen stores exploit(glucose), in the muscle and liver, so there is a risk of hypoglycemia many hours after exercise, which is especially markedly, if the exercise is not adapted to the diet.

Meal after exercise should be eaten so that the glycogen stores may be rebuild in the short time. At the same time, the muscle remains increased insulin sensitivity for hours after exercise – up to 18 hours, which means that hypoglycemia can occur in the night after a long workout.


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