Saturday, November 25, 2017

Do You Know The Difference Between Lemon And Lime?

Although lemons and limes belong to the same family and own similar characteristics, they are pretty distinguished citrus fruits that often make people wonder.

They are also very much the same in taste, appearance and shape, but they offer quite different properties that people often overlook.

Lemons are normally larger than limes and are much sourer than their ‘cousin’.

Also they are oval, while limes are round. The one thing the two fruits have in common is their abundance in vitamin C. Still, limes contain 29mg. of the vitamin, whereas lemons contain 53mg.

On the other hand, limes offer a lot of vitamin A, but lemons provide tons of potassium and folic acid in return.

Both fruits are highly beneficial for the human healtjh, and can provide great anti-cancerous properties.

Furthermore, despite the fact that both fruits are acidic in taste, they are actually very alkaline for the organism and can serve as amazing antioxidants.

As a result, they can easily cure the flu, colds, as well as any sort of inflammation and diabetes.

The thing that makes this duo a super-agent against cancer is their content of limonoids, which can encourage many favorable changes in the body, such as weight loose and metabolism boost.

Truth of the matter is, both fruits serve a great purpose when it comes to obtaining the perfect health and it is warmly recommended that you consume them as much as possible.

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