Saturday, December 30, 2017

Chia Seeds: The Most Powerful Food In The World


Chia is a tanning flower from the family of mint, which is an extremely rich source of minerals and nutrients. This healthy seed stimulates digestion and regulates bowel movements to reduce electrolyte levels.

 Chia seeds are recommended for those who want to lose weight, because you can achieve quicker decomposition of body fat, and gives us a feeling of satiety, an excellent substitute for almost all savory snacks. Although it is not grain, it is certainly healthier than them, because it does not contain gluten, and can be combined with various dishes.

Seed, which gives strength and strengthens immunity!

Chia seeds are small black, white and dark brown seeds that originate from the plant Salvia hispanica, which is a kind of mint. Its natural habitat is South and Central America, in the area of Peru, Guatemala, Bolivia, Paraguay and Mexico.

Although it has been used for thousands of years, it has become popular in the last 25 years, as scientists have discovered that it is too rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which make up one-third of its composition, and is one of the best sources of healthy and high-quality oils .

In addition, the seeds are rich in antioxidants and fiber, and contain high levels of magnesium, zinc, iron and calcium. As such, this valuable seed can greatly affect the improvement of human health, especially when it comes to preventing heart disease, elevated blood sugar, proved to be great when it comes to regulating digestion.

Chia seeds are very rich in minerals. Rows of manganese, which is indispensable for the metabolism, growth and development of muscles and bones. Then there is phosphorus, which is also essential for the maintenance and regeneration of the tissue, and next to it, the copper, and it is important for the health and proper work of the heart. Interestingly, only two spoons of chia seeds contain two times more potassium than a banana.

Iron, as an integral part of hemoglobin in red blood cells, is involved in the transport of oxygen in the body, and this mineral in chia seeds is also abundant. Calcium is also present, which is suitable for our brain and nerves.

Although it is rich in essential minerals, chia seeds of which are a rich source of vitamins. It contains vitamins A, B, E and D, which are suitable for eyes, hair, nails, skin, teeth, muscles and nervous tissue. That is why these seeds are used as food additives, natural fruit juices and desserts, and do not contain sugar, gluten and oxides

How to use chia seeds in the diet?

According to the scientific analysis, 28 grams of this seed contains 138 calories, 12 grams of carbohydrates, 8 grams of fat, 10 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein. This means that one spoon a day provides 18 percent of the daily need of calcium, phosphorus 27 percent, 30 percent manganese, and smaller amounts of potassium, zinc and copper.

Because chia seeds have a completely neutral taste, they can be used in addition to all meals. It is commonly recommended to combine with salads, chia seeds are convenient and with toast, as a supplement during the preparation of bread, cakes and biscuits, blanched you can add them to yogurt and kefir. Ideally combined with walnuts, corn, almonds and millet.

You can use it in all three meals. For example, for breakfast, take a cup of kefir and add a tablespoon of seeds along with oat bran, snowflakes or muesli. You can add it to the salad, which will increase the intake of proteins and fibers and you can make the whole meal easily digestible. You can also insert chia seeds into soup, meatballs in dough or meat, as this is an ideal substitute for bread crumbs.

The benefits of using chia seeds:

It can be said that this plant is ranked among the healthiest foods on the planet. It is full of nutrients, which can greatly help your body and brain function properly and better. Here is a list of the benefits of using chia seeds, which is scientifically proven:

-It is rich in antioxidants,
-It’s rich source of nutrients, contains very few calories,
-Contains low levels of carbohydrates, high levels of high-quality proteins and fiber,
-Can help in weight reduction,
-Rich in omega-3 fatty acids,
-It improves blood and reduces the risk of heart disease,
-The high content of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus improves bone health and it is important to say chia seeds are especially recommended for people who do not eat dairy products,
-Leads to a significant improvement in health in people suffering from type 2 diabetes,
-It was recommended for recreational athletes, helping to achieve better results and performance,
-It can easily fit with every meal and fit your diet, and does not cause allergic reactions to the skin.

Chia seeds as a cure for many diseases!

Chia seeds have become popular in recent years because of its high nutritional value and many health benefits. As noted above, this seed contains a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids that are important to our body and are a real food for the brain. Due to the fact that this seed contains useful substances, it is recommended to use it as an additive in food, as rare in the food we consume has enough omega-3 fat.

In addition, the chia seed reduces insulin resistance and improves blood sugar levels, and is a great choice for the fight against type 2 diabetes. It is interesting that, compared to traditional bread, one who is made of chia seeds is favored by reduction of blood sugar and as such is recommended for everyday use for people suffering from diabetes.

It is known that today’s lifestyle exposes everyone to stress, and this has serious consequences for our body, but most often the digestive system. For problems with irregular bowel movements i.e. lazy intestine, these seeds provide all the necessary fibers that are absorbed into the colon and allows restoration of the proper functioning of the digestive system and regular discharge. In addition, it helps reduce swelling and inflammation of the colon.

Chia seeds contain a large number of useful plant compounds. One of the most common is chlorogenic acid, which is a natural and powerful antioxidant that lowers blood pressure. In addition, there are caffeic acids, which is an ideal ally in the fight against inflammatory processes in the body.

Scientists have found that the seeds containing quercetin and kaempferol, two antioxidants that reduce the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, and proved to be useful in the prevention of malignant diseases and other chronic diseases. In particular, it is advisable to use it for children who have problems with demineralization of the bones, which leads to the appearance of rickets.

Disclaimer: The content of the In Case You Missed blog and website, including text, graphics, and images, are for informational purposes only. The content of this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have. Do not disregard the professional medical advice.

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