Yes. They are hard and they suck most of the time. Can’t deny that. But this kind of relationship has many perks too! You just need to remember them more often. It’s always good to look at the bright side of any situation. And if you are blessed to be in one. You will understand these 11 benefits of long distance relationships. Don’t forget: in the long term, they are totally worth it.

1. You travel to new places
Since you two don’t live in the same place. You have the opportunity to explore new cities and everything that is around where your significant other lives. You can go on adventures and explore new places together.
2. You develop emotional intimacy better than other couples
Being in a long-distance relationship involves a lot of talking. By phone, texting or video chatting. And while is normal to talk about what we did during our day, or how funny was the video I tagged him on Facebook. We spend a lot of time talking about our feelings. Especially at night. And since we can’t show how we feel physically. We need to make it through words.
Is really hard to know if a person is sad, happy, or lying when you are looking at your phone. Meaning that we have to guess most of the time. That’s why emotional intimacy is crucial for us. We need to know what the other person is feeling. That way we can fix any problem.
Being in a long-distance relationship involves a lot of talking. By phone, texting or video chatting. And while is normal to talk about what we did during our day, or how funny was the video I tagged him on Facebook. We spend a lot of time talking about our feelings. Especially at night. And since we can’t show how we feel physically. We need to make it through words.
Is really hard to know if a person is sad, happy, or lying when you are looking at your phone. Meaning that we have to guess most of the time. That’s why emotional intimacy is crucial for us. We need to know what the other person is feeling. That way we can fix any problem.
3. You appreciate more the moments you spend together
You can’t see your partner whenever you want. Or make random plans at the end of the day to do something fun. When you are in a long-distance relationship; to be together, it takes tons of planning beforehand. So when you two are finally together, it is an amazing achievement! Every simple thing you do together means way more. Did you wake up together? It means the world. Did you try for the first time his favorite ice cream? A total big deal!
I have a Spotify playlist with all the songs that make me remember special moments. Or the songs that were playing at a certain time when we were together. It makes the memory last longer. I really recommend doing this!
4. You learn how to communicate better
One of the things I hate the most about long-distance relationships is fighting over text. Even more when it’s about stupid things. You can send harmless words. Harmless for you. But for the other person can mean even more. Or you can tell a joke and the other person might not know it was one. Things can get messy over text. That’s why we have to rely on emojis all the time with the purpose of not turning simple words into something bad.
With time, we got used to the ways we talk to each other over text. You learn to know if your partner is serious or not. Or if the person is trying to explain something and can’t find the right words. It’s all about patience.
5. You won’t worry about if the person is committed or not
Before starting a long-distance relationship you need to be 100% committed to that one person. You have to make it work. And that takes a lot of energy and love. Once you agree on that, the rest comes easy. And you know your significant other is trying hard too.
6. You always have something to look forward
Did you say goodbye? Don’t worry! The next time is getting closer too. You can make new plans and make a list of things you want to try or do together next time. This is one of my favorite benefits! When my boyfriend bought his tickets to come to Chile I had every day planned with cute dates and places I wanted to show him.
7. You learn how to be more patient
This is hard. But you learn how to deal with it. And it’s something good at the end. Learning how to work on your patience is not only beneficial for your relationship. But it’s also good for you daily life.
8. Every time you see each other it feels like a vacation
Especially if you are the one who is traveling. You do fun things all the time and you can wake up late. Without worrying much about the responsibilities you have.
9. You learn how to trust
Okay. This is a must in every relationship. But even more in a long-distance relationship. If you don’t trust your significant other, What’s the point of being in a long distance relationship if you can’t handle that? Once you are past the doubts the rest gets way easier.
At first, it’s hard. You might trust him. But, oh! You saw a girl you don’t know in one of his pictures. Then the problems start. I know he only has eyes for you. Then it’s all good.
10. If you can go through with it. You can survive any problem.
Every couple has their problems. But the distance in a relationship can make them even worst! So yeah, once the distance is over. You know you can survive anything. You learned how to communicate, you learned how to trust, and you already know you are committed.
11. Makes the heart grow fonder. And this study agrees too
The study says that:
Couples who live apart have more meaningful interactions than those who see each other daily. Men and women in long-distance relationships were more likely to share meaningful thoughts and feelings than those who were not.
Long distance relationships are not doomed to fail.
And it’s all true!!
The study says that:
Couples who live apart have more meaningful interactions than those who see each other daily. Men and women in long-distance relationships were more likely to share meaningful thoughts and feelings than those who were not.
Long distance relationships are not doomed to fail.
And it’s all true!!
Source: Elephant on the Road - Melissa
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