Saturday, August 18, 2018

Top 7 Simple Body Cleanse Detox Drinks Recipes

What does detox mean?

In simple terms, it means to remove all the unwanted chemical buildup in our body that you and I collect because of our lifestyle.

You’ll have to live a hermit’s life to avoid this. But, as it’s not a very practical solution, the next best thing is to go in for detox – mental, physical and lifestyle. To avoid more toxin buildup in our body from the stress of dealing with such a wide topic, let’s just focus on physical detox today. Fine?

I have collected a few homemade detox drinks recipes that have orange, ginger, apple cider vinegar and even simple detox water with loads of health benefits.

Toxins build up in our body from the food we eat, the medicines we take, products we use and even stressing out.

Benefits of going for a body cleanse? It’ll reduce your frequency of sickness as well as improve energy, mood, and quality of skin and hair.

Here is a few simple homemade body cleanse detox drinks recipes to cleanse your body from within, lose excess weight and improve overall wellbeing.

7 Simple Homemade Body Cleanse and Weight Loss Detox Drinks Recipes

Green tea banana smoothie:

This 3-ingredient smoothie is super simple to whip up but very effective and yum.

Detox drinks recipes #1: Brew 1 cup of green tea and lets it cool. Pour this in a blender with 1 banana and the juice of half a lemon. Add a few ice cubes if you like it chilled.

Tip: You can add it as a healthy snacking option to your daily diet.

Benefits: This drink comes with the dual powers of green tea and lemon. Green tea has loads of antioxidants and is good for gently detoxifying our body. Lemon helps cleanse toxin build-up.
Cinnamon detox water:

If not in the mood to use a blender, then this one’s just right for you.

Detox drinks recipes #2: In a bottle of water add a few slices of apple and an inch of cinnamon stick. Let it rest for an hour.

Tip: Sip it through the day rather than gulping it down in one go. Also, it’s good if you can let it sit overnight before using in the morning.

Benefits: Not only will it keep you hydrated but gently drain the toxins away too. Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants and helps balance blood sugar. Apple has so many well-known health benefits plus is tasty too.

Turmeric ginger tea:

Did you know that turmeric and ginger together can work wonders for reducing cough, cold, flu and allergy symptoms? So along with doing a body cleanse, this tea can actually help you get better if you’re feeling under the weather. But remember, this is a warming drink and so modulate its frequency based on the weather and how much you can handle.

Detox drinks recipes #3: In a cup of hot water add 1/3 teaspoon turmeric powder, juice of half a lemon and that of an inch of ginger. If you think it’s too tangy, try adding a dollop of honey.

Tip: Have it every alternate day if you’re using it as a detox drink. Or, you can have it 2-3 times a day if looking for symptom relief.

Benefits: The basic ingredient turmeric has so many health benefits that it would be better to class this spice as a medicine. Turmeric helps heal many internal injuries and infections along with being rich in antioxidants. It’ll help detox the liver to boost your body’s power to detoxify chemicals. Each and every ingredient in this turmeric-ginger tea works towards flushing toxins out of your body.
Green detox smoothie:

To detoxify your body and get an energy boost after workout sessions, have a go at this smoothie.

Detox drinks recipes #4: In a glass of coconut water, add a couple handfuls of spinach or kale. To this, add the juice of an orange or a medium-sized banana, whichever is handy. Put all this in a blender with raw cacao (if available) and half an inch of ginger. Blend and enjoy!

Tip: If you don’t have coconut water handy, simply replace it with plain water. Don’t worry about the weird taste of spinach or kale because orange and banana have a stronger flavor than those.

Benefits: Coconut water hydrates and replenishes electrolytes, which is what you want after sweating at the gym. Kale is rich in protein as well as all the good vitamins like A, B, C, K. These in turn help release energy from food. Orange will help flush toxins out of the body along with boosting your immune system. Banana will give you instant energy.
Detox drink ice lolly:

The best part is, you can either lick it to your heart’s content as a lolly or drink it from a glass as a grownup – whatever matches your mood!

Detox drinks recipes #5: Take equal parts of carrot juice and apple/orange/pineapple juice with 2 tablespoons of ginger juice. Super juicy : ) . Mix well and freeze in ice-cream molds. Or, just pour on a glass and top it with a couple of ice-cubes.

Tip: Carrot and ginger juice are the constants here. Add any other fruit juice that you like or is handy.

Benefits: Apple is good for overall detox of your body. Carrot works well for liver cleanse. Ginger fights germs and will help boost your body’s immunity. This juice mix will also fight off any acne skin problem.

Apple cider vinegar detox drink:

It’s easy to make and easier to include in your daily routine!

Detox drinks recipes #6: In a glass of warm water add 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar with a dash of honey and lemon.

Tip: Drinking a warm glass of water with the apple cider vinegar first thing in the morning is the best healthy habit you can adopt.

Benefits: Warm water is good for gently waking the internal organs up, which is good because it ensures they work better. All the four ingredients, even individually, have a great capacity to flush toxins out of the body.

Green detox smoothie:

Don’t be scared of its green color – not every eatable green thing is an enemy of your taste buds. This green smoothie is delicious and efficient.

Detox drinks recipes #7: In half glass of water add a couple handfuls of spinach, one pitted the avocado and 2 bowls of pineapple chunks. Blend thoroughly.

Tip: Enjoy as a healthy snacking option.

Benefits: Avocado has coenzyme Q10, oleic acid, dietary fiber, and vitamins. So, not only will it help detox your body but add good things to it too. Spinach, pineapple, and water also do a great job of flushing toxins away.

So, which detox drinks have you tried before? Have you tried any other form of detoxes like mental detox, social detox, lifestyle detox or any other?

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