Sunday, July 07, 2019

Type 2 Diabetes Can Be Obesity But Why?

 In this article you will find out why your body fat can help you become an regular insulin taker.

The common question among people is if obesity influences on diabetes type 2. The sources all over the world prove that obesity is associated with diabetes and diseases that go hand in hand with it.

Appropriate diets can lower diabetic’s glucose in the bloodstream, increase the blood pressure and even prevent the disease to spread. Curing diabetes type 2 is possible with diabetic’s full commitment and dedication to his lifestyle and habits.

The scientists believe that there is a cure for type 2 diabetes. Healthy and balanced nutrition can make diabetic to decrease usage of diabetic medicine or even stop using it.

The Major Cause Of Type 2 Diabetes is Obesity

Doctor Taylor’s test on 11 people showed that fats stored around their pancreas and liver make them insulin intolerance. The main goal of insulin is to reduce glucose in the blood stream. So, when insulin is not doing his job, we are exposed to diabetes.

The United Kingdom reports that they will have 27% to 26 million obese people in the country in the next 20 years. Heath experts know that this means a million extra causes of type 2 diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

They say that some factors influence on developing different types of diabetes. Obesity or overweight (BMI of 30 or higher) is first on the list among other causes of this disease.

Obese people have 80 times more option to develop the mentioned disease. It is even more likely to get diabetes type 2, if you have fat around the abdominal area. Fat cells around abdominal develop pro-inflammatory chemicals that result in body insulin resistance.

The UK government says that there is a close link between obesity and diabetes type 2, so obesity influences on this epidemic disease.

Body mass index (BMI) is a factor that we can also link to diabetes. According to their data, obese person has seven times greater risk of becoming a diabetic than a healthy person who’s weight is normal.

Nacional Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases shared that obesity and inactivity are strongly linked to diabetes development. They say that obesity can be a result of non-activity. Obesity causes insulin resistance. So we can say that obesity is a possible cause of type 2 diabetes.

The major factor of insulin resistance and cause of noninsulin-dependent diabetes is fat around the belly or abdominal fat. But not just this epidemic disease, there are also diseases of blood vessels and heart (cardiovascular disease – CVD) which can occur.

This fat produces hormones that can damage our blood vessels. The Institute states obesity one of the 12 characteristics that people who developed diabetes have. Read about diabetes causes.

Diets are Crucial When Curing Diabetes and Other Diseases

University of Maryland Medical Center published an article about the importance of diets and healthy eating when having diabetes. They say that weight loss and maintenance of normal weight are primary dietary goals of an obese diabetic.

The diabetes medications of type 2 diabetics can be minimized or avoided by regular exercise routine and diets. Losing weight and curing diabetes can make a diabetic a new and healthy person cured from this damaging disease. Diabetics should be aware of heart disease and its associated factors like blood pressure and cholesterol. The American Diabetes Association states what and how should diabetics eat.

Because diabetics are also in danger of heart diseases, they should know that healthy food with nutrients should be a golden rule in their everyday life. The ADA recommends dietary methods to fight and cure diabetes and to overcome the danger of diseases like heart attack and others.

Dietary methods for diabetics: 

Diabetics with BMI 25-29 (overweight) and higher (obese) should consider losing weight when they want to cure diabetes 

Carbohydrates should present from 45-65% of daily calorie intake. Not every
carbohydrate is good, choosing the right type and amount is important. Choose vegetables, fruit, beans and whole grains. So, choosing carbs with fibre is a good choice.

Fats should present 25-35% daily calorie intake. The best type of fat is omega-3 polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. They recommend olives, peanut, canola oil, avocado and nuts. Diabetics will do well if they include fish, flaxseed oil, and walnuts in their diet. Avoid saturated fat – red meat, butter, it should present less than 7% of daily intake if you want to cure diabetes. Trans fat should be avoided the big time and presents only 1% of daily calorie intake. Foods that have trans-fats are snacks, commercially baked foods and fried food.
Protein should present 12-20% of daily calorie intake, but it can vary on patient’s individual health requirements.

Diabetics with kidney disease should not eat protein more than 10% of daily calorie intake.

As the author of the Diabetes Destroyer book, David Andrews says, diabetics should read food labels.

The ADA claims that food labels provide us information about nutrients, calories and daily intake of each nutrient. Diabetics should make a plan regarding preparing their food. So, measuring and weighting food should also be their daily activity for curing diabetes.

Timing presents important factor when having a meal. Diabetics should never avoid or skip a meal. If they do, they can upset the balance between food intake and insulin. The patients can also lower their blood sugar and even gain weight.

You see why obesity and overweight are the cause of type 2 diabetes. It is never too late to give it a try. It is your life we are talking about and one life you have. Changing your nutrition habits can change your viewing angle on life and the abilities to start living like a free person without limitations.


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