Saturday, August 26, 2017

Fennel Benefits

Impressive Fennel Benefits

The health benefits of fennel include relief from anemia, indigestion, flatulence, constipation, colic, diarrhea, respiratory disorders, menstrual disorders, and its benefits regarding eye care. Fennel, which has the scientific name Foeniculum Vulgare Miller, or its essence, is widely used around the world in mouth fresheners, toothpaste, desserts, antacids and in various culinary applications.

It originated in the Mediterranean and those cultures have long used it for culinary and medicinal reasons. It has not been spread and naturalized as an herb around the world, but still primarily grows in coastal climates and on riverbanks. It is also one of the main components of the alcohol absinthe, although the plant does not have hallucinogenic properties.

Apart from the uses of fennel already mentioned, there are numerous medicinal uses and health benefits, mainly due to the components of its essential oil, which are summarized below.
Table of Contents
  • Health Benefits of Fennel
    • Anemia
    • Indigestion
    • Flatulence
    • Constipation
    • Heart Disease
    • Cancer
    • Blood Pressure
    • Brain Function
    • Diarrhea
    • Colic
    • Immune System
    • Menstrual Disorders
    • Breast Enlargement
    • Eye Care
    • Respiratory Disorders
    • Other Benefits & Uses

Health benefits of fennel include:
Iron and histidine, an amino acid found in fennel, are both helpful in the treatment of anemia. Whereas iron is the chief constituent of hemoglobin, histidine stimulates the production of hemoglobin and also helps in the formation of various other components of the blood.

It is a common practice, particularly in the Indian Subcontinent, to chew fennel seeds after meals. This is done to facilitate digestion and to eliminate bad breath.Indigestion

Some of the components of the essential oils in fennel are stimulants and they stimulate secretion of digestive and gastric juices while reducing inflammation of the stomach and intestines, and facilitating proper absorption of nutrients from the food. Furthermore, it can eliminate constipation and thereby protect the body from a wide range of intestinal troubles that can stem from being blocked up. It also has anti acidic (basic) properties and is extensively used in antacid preparations. In culinary applications, it is also used as an ingredient of the focal point of many appetizers.
Fennel is very popular as an antiflatulent, due to the carminative properties of the aspartic acid found in fennel. Its extract can be used by everyone, from infants to the elderly, as a way to reduce flatulence and to expel excess gas from the stomach. It is commonly used in medicines to reduce symptoms of non-ulcer dyspepsia and flatulence in infants and young children.


Fennel seeds, particularly in powdered form, can act as a laxative. The roughage helps clear the bowels, whereas its stimulating effect helps maintain the proper peristaltic motion of the intestines, thereby helping promote proper excretion through the stimulation of gastric juices and bile production. Fennel is also commonly found in medicines that treat abdominal pain, diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and other intestinal issues.

Heart Disease

Fennel is a great source of fiber, as mentioned above, but besides the advantages to digestion that fiber provides, it also helps to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol in the blood stream. This means that it can stimulate the elimination damaging LDL cholesterol, which is a major factor in heart disease, artherosclerosis, and strokes.The raw vegetable itself hasn’t been extensively studied in regards to cancer protection, but the fennel seed extract has, and the findings regarding cancer protection are quite impressive. It shows that the extract can not only inhibit the growth of tumors, thanks to its concentrations of flavonoids, alkaloids, and phenols, but that it can even be somewhat chemo-protective against the harmful effects of radiation during cancer treatment. Fennel seed extract has been found to be preventative of various breast cancer and liver cancer strains.

Blood Pressure

Fennel is a very rich source of potassium, which is an essential nutrient in our bodies and is vital for a number of important processes. One of the attributes of potassium is its quality as a vasodilator, which means that it relaxes the tension of blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure. High blood pressure is connected to a wide range of health issues, including heart attack, stroke, and atherosclerosis. Also, for diabetic patients, blood pressure issues can make management of their insulin and glucose levels very difficult and can be the cause of many potentially lethal complications. 
A cup of fennel bulb in your daily diet will pump you full of potassium and all the benefits that come along with it.

Brain Function

Potassium, found in high levels in fennel bulbs and seeds, is an electrolyte, which means that it facilitates increased electrical conduction throughout the body. This includes connections within the brain, which is a veritable switchboard of electric currents. Potassium can help increase brain function and cognitive abilities through this quality. Also, fennel is a vasodilator, which means more oxygen reaches the brain and neural activity can work at optimal functionality. 


Fennel is helpful in curing diarrhea if it is caused by bacterial infection because some components of the essential oil in fennel such as anetol and cineole have disinfectant and antibacterial properties. Some amino acids, such as histidine, can aid in digestion and the proper functioning of the digestive system, thereby helping to eliminate diarrhea due to indigestion. Fennel has long been used by indigenous cultures as a way to eliminate diarrhea.


Polymeric and heavy molecules are useful in the treatment of Renal Colic. Such polymers, also called Phytoestrogens, are found in Anethole, a component of the essential oil in fennel. This attribute of fennel makes it quite helpful in the treatment of Renal Colic. Fennel has certain antispasmodic qualities which also help it relax smooth muscles and reduce the discomfort associated with the condition.

Immune System

1 cup of fennel bulb contains almost 20% of the daily requirement of vitamin-C, which makes fennel quite a rich source of this beneficial element of our diet. Vitamin-C improves general immune system health, produces and repairs skin tissue, helps to form collagen, and also protects the blood vessel walls as an antioxidant against the harmful effects of free radicals that can frequently lead to heart disease!

Menstrual Disorders

Fennel is also an Emenagogue, meaning that it eases and regulates menstruation by properly regulating hormonal action in the body. Furthermore, fennel is used in a number of products to reduce the effects of PMS, and it is also used traditionally as a soothing pain reliever and relaxing agent for menopausal women.

Breast Enlargement

The flavonoids present in fennel seeds increase the amount of estrogen thereby acting as a stimulant and tonic. Fennel seeds helps increase the size of the breasts as they increase the formation of new cells and tissues in the breast.


Eye Care
Using fennel in food helps protect the eyes from inflammation, as well as helping to reduce disorders related to premature aging and macular degeneration. This is due to the high abundance of antioxidants (vitamin-C and amino acids like Arginine which are very beneficial for rejuvenation of tissues and the prevention of aging), detoxifiers and stimulants. They are more specifically in fennel essential oil, as well as minerals like cobalt and magnesium. Finally, the juice of fennel leaves and the plant itself can be externally applied on the eyes to reduce irritation and eye fatigue.

Fennel is also a rich source of flavonoids, which are very useful in protecting against pigment cells dying due to oxidative-stress-induced death. By protecting against this destruction of the pigment cells, fennel can safely be classified as effective in eye health for numerous reasons.

Respiratory Disorders
Fennel is useful in respiratory disorders such congestion, bronchitis, and cough due to the presence of Cineole and Anetol which are expectorant in nature, among their many other virtues. Fennel seeds and powder can help to break up phlegm and prompt loosening of the toxins and buildup of the throat and nasal passages for elimination from the body and quicker recovery from respiratory conditions.
Other Benefits & Uses

Fennel is diuretic, which means that it increases the amount and frequency of urination, thereby helping the removal of toxic substances from the body and helping in rheumatism and swelling. Fennel also increases production and secretion of milk in lactating mothers and since this milk contains some properties of fennel, it is an anti-flatulent for the baby as well. It strengthens hair, prevents hair loss, relaxes the body, sharpens memory and has a marvelous cooling effect in summer. This can be achieved if the pale, greenish-yellow water, in which it fennel is soaked, is ingested with a bit of sugar and black salt.

A Few Words of Caution

You must remember that there are two sides to any story and too much of anything is harmful. This is obviously true for fennel as well. Certain components of the fennel essential oil such as Anethol, and a few chemicals present in the plant itself, besides being beneficial, can be dangerous if ingested in too large of a quantity. You must remember that the compounds which can kill bacteria and microbes in low doses can be harmful to you too. Excess use of fennel can cause difficulty breathing, increased palpitations, irregular heart beat, and various neural problems.

Fennel is also considered a hot temperament herb, and it helps decrease serum glucose levels and promotes weight control in humans. It also suppresses appetite and helps get rid of excess fluids and waste from the body.

Helps Treat Respiratory Ailments

An Egyptian study states that fennel has been used for centuries for curing respiratory disorders. The herb is also used for treating catarrh (excessive build-up of mucous) in the upper respiratory tract.

Fennel also helps to calm the spasms in the respiratory system. It cleanses the bronchial passages and keeps respiratory ailments at bay.

According to the Nutritional Geography website, fennel is extremely good for the lungs.

In a study conducted by the Ontario Veterinary College, a herbal composite containing fennel was found to alleviate the symptoms of respiratory dysfunction in horses. Similar results were found to be possible in humans.

Another Portuguese study recommends fennel for the treatment of respiratory conditions like bronchitis and chronic coughs.

Promotes Heart Health

There is a link between liver and heart health, which most of us are unaware of. The liver is where cholesterol is produced and broken down. A healthy liver breaks the cholesterol down more efficiently and regulates it as well. Fennel is one food that supports liver functioning and indirectly promotes heart health.

Fennel is also an excellent source of fiber. Fiber prevents cholesterol reabsorption and offers protection against heart diseases.

Fennel, being an excellent source of potassium, helps control blood pressure and counteracts the undesirable effects of sodium. This prevents hypertension and, eventually, heart disease.

Boosts The Immune System
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Fennel is an excellent source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system. Fennel also contains selenium that can stimulate the production of T-cells (T-cells are active participants in the immune response).

Fennel also possesses antimicrobial properties, which further help enhance immunity.

Promotes Eye Health

Extracts of fennel seed have been found to be potentially useful in treating glaucoma . You can use fennel tea either as an eye tonic – apply directly as eye drops or as a compress.

As per an Iranian study, fennel extracts are beneficial in improving vision. Vitamin C, one of the nutrients fennel is very rich in, plays a major role in protecting the eyes. As the eyes have a higher metabolic rate, they have an additional need for antioxidant protection – which is readily offered by fennel due to its high vitamin C content.

According to the Oregon State University, lower levels of vitamin C in the eye lens can increase the risk of cataract formation. The antioxidants in fennel shield the eyes from effects of macular degeneration. There are certain individuals who wash their eyes with fennel tea to treat conjunctivitis.

Fennel can also be used to treat eye inflammation.

Improves Hormonal Balance

Fennel is one of the foods containing phytoestrogens, which, according to an Italian study, promote hormonal balance. As per another American study, fennel seeds demonstrated significant ability to treat PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), which is a hormonal disorder most prevalent in women of reproductive age.

The phytoestrogen content in fennel is what makes the herb ideal for reducing the symptoms related to hormonal imbalance. Fennel also contains phytohormones that help regulate the body’s own hormones and prevent any potential imbalances.

Progesterone is the most important hormone when it comes to balancing the thyroid and the glandular system. And fennel possesses progestogenic substances that aid in this regard.

Helps Relieve Arthritis

In one study, certain inflammatory ailments were found to respond well to fennel. The herb also increases the activity of an antioxidant named superoxide dismutase, which contributes to reduced levels of inflammation.

As per a Mumbai study, fennel is one of the herbs that is extensively used to treat arthritis symptoms. In another Iranian study, fennel had shown excellent osteoprotective properties.

Helps Cope With Menstrual Problems

Certain studies suggest the efficacy of fennel in treating painful menstrual cramps. Fennel tea can also help regulate your thyroid so that you can have a healthy flow.

In a 2002 Iranian study, high school girls suffering from menstrual pain had reported major improvement in the condition after having taken fennel extract. In another placebo-controlled trial, fennel was found to significantly reduce menstrual pain. Another Iranian study had stated that the intake of fennel can alleviate menstrual symptoms like nausea and weakness.

Menstrual pain, according to certain studies, is probably caused by excessive contraction of the uterine muscles that leads to blood reduction. Fennel has been found to relax these muscles, thereby healing the symptoms.

Promotes Gum Health

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Fennel, being an excellent antimicrobial agent, aids the treatment of gum inflammation.

Fennel Tea For Babies

As per the University of Maryland Medical Center, fennel tea can help reduce colic symptoms. This is because the herb soothes the gastrointestinal tract and expels gas. Fennel can have a relaxing effect on the baby’s intestines. However, as per studies, the herb is not recommended for infants below 4 months of age.

According to an Italian study, fennel infusions help prevent flatulence and colic spasms in babies.

However, fennel has been found to be unsafe for babies in a couple of instances. Please consult your doctor before using fennel tea for newborn.

Helps Kill Internal Parasites

Fennel is considered a botanical dewormer, and it can be used to eliminate internal parasites. Fennel tea has laxative properties that promote intestinal movement, and this helps flush the worms out of your system. Fennel seeds are also believed to act as a sedative for worms. Certain studies assume that worms cannot lay eggs when in a state of rest, and hence, fennel keeps them from multiplying.

Helps Treat Diabetes

In an Indian study, fennel was one of the 10 foods found to have properties that alleviated diabetic complication.

In another published study, 250 milligrams of fennel had considerably lowered blood glucose levels in the rats that were tested upon, indicating similar possibilities in humans.

Fennel, being a good source of vitamin C, can also help diabetics. A high intake of the vitamin might lower the blood sugar levels in people suffering from Type 2 diabetes.

One of the medications given to people having high blood sugar levels is Gluconorm-5, and one its constituents is fennel. The glucose-lowering effect of Gluconorm-5 is believed to be the result of certain ingredients, with fennel being one of them.

Fennel, like other non-starchy vegetables, has a low glycemic index. This makes the herb more conducive to blood glucose control and a beneficial food in the diabetic diet. Both the vegetable and its seeds contain certain chemicals that can act against diabetes.

Another reason fennel is a diabetes superfood is its potassium content. Potasisum has been found to increase insulin sensitivity, and is hence recommended for diabetics.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a large clinical study done on more than 2,000 people had found that adequate levels of magnesium in the diet can offer protection against Type 2 diabetes. Fennel is a magnesium-rich food, and hence can be quite helpful in this regard.

Helps Prevent Cancer

As per an American study, herbal supplements with fennel as one of the ingredients have the potential to protect against prostate cancer. Fennel tea is a multicomponent mixture containing various antioxidants that protect against cancer.

Fennel contains numerous bioactive compounds, including quercetin, which had shown anticancer activity. Fennel also possessses excellent anti-inflammatory properties that can be attritbuted to a phytonutrient called anethole. This compound, apart from hindering inflammation, also prevents the transformation of regular cells into cancerous ones.

Its richness in fiber and vitamin C make fennel an important food in cancer treatment. As per a report published by the Tennessee State University, fennel has been found to inhibit the growth of lung cancer cells and colon cancer cell lines. Fennel also limits the activity of a protein called NF kappa B, which is responsible for numerous inflammatory diseases, including cancer.

Fennel is also found to have remarkable anticancer potential against breast and liver cancer cells. The antioxidants in fennel, along with the fiber, help cleanse the colon and prevent colorectal cancer.

Fennel Tea Benefits For Men

Fennel is known as a libido-booster and can improve sexual desires, specifically in men. It can also relieve issues related to the bladder and prostate as well as prolong orgasms.

Helps Treat Acne

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Fennel contains certain essential oils like anethole, myrcene, and limonene – all of which have exhibited anti-inflammatory properties with a potential to treat skin conditions like acne. Fennel also helps flush out the excess liquids from the skin, which might otherwise contribute to acne.

That is with the fennel seed tea benefits. But what about the dosage? How much of fennel can you take in a day?


Ideally, you can use 5 to 7 grams of fennel seeds in tea per day. A dosage of 500 mg/kg can lead to adverse effects like piloerection and loss of appetite.

How To Make Fennel Tea

Here’s the process for making fennel tea at home:

What You Need

A bag of fresh fennel seeds, preferably with a high volatile oil content a little amount of honey


Crush 1 to 2 tablespoons of the seeds. You can use a pestle and mortar for this purpose.Add the crushed seeds to a large mug and add hot water to it. Ensure the water is not boiling hot.Cover the jug and steep for about 10 minutes.Strain the liquid and enjoy the tea. You can add a small amount of honey if you want.

Fennel Tea Recipes

1. Cumin Coriander Fennel Tea Recipe

What You Need

1 ½ cups of water2 teaspoons of fennel seeds2 teaspoons of coriander seeds2 teaspoons of cumin seeds


Add 1 1/2 cups of water in a saucepan and boil Add the whole coriander, cumin, and fennel seeds.Cover it. Let it steep for 5 minutes.Strain and serve.

2. Peppermint And Fennel Tea Recipe

What You Need

2 teaspoons of peppermint leaves1/2 teaspoon of fennel seeds


Crush the seeds, and add the ingredients into a glass jar.Pour a cup of hot water to the jar.Cover it. Let it steep for 5 minutes.Serve.

3. Fennel and Ginger Tea Recipe

What You Need

2 teaspoons of fennel seeds1 teaspoon of fresh grated ginger1 teaspoon of dried lemon verbena


Crush the fennel seeds to release their volatile oils.Add the ingredients to a saucepan. Add water to it and boil.Once the water starts to bubble, allow to simmer on low heat for about 10 minutes.Strain and serve.

Where To Buy Fennel Tea

You can buy a pack of fennel tea bags online.

It is but obvious that any food, no matter how wonderful and beneficial it is, has certain side effects as well. And fennel tea is no exception.

Fennel Tea Side Effects

Let’s take a look at what actually are the side effects of fennel tea here.

1. Might Cause Sunburn

The consumption of fennel tea might increase your sensitivity to the sun. You might develop sunburn as a result.

2. Can Cause Allergies

In rare cases, fennel tea can also cause certain allergic reactions. Individuals who are allergic to carrots, mugwort, or celery are at an increased risk of developing an allergic reaction to fennel. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include dizzines, difficulty in swallowing, or even facial swelling.

3. Can Cause Reactions In Pregnant Women

Certain studies have indicated adverse reactions in pregnant or nursing women on the consumption of fennel tea. Fennel might also bring on menstruation in pregnant women and cause miscarriage. To be on the safer side, avoid its use if you are pregnant.

4. Might Interact With Medications

Fennel tea might also interact with certain medications and obstruct their metabolization. These include medications like ciprofloxacin and fluoroquinolone. To avoid interactions, take these medications at least two hours before you consume fresh fennel tea. Or best – avoid fennel if you are taking any of these medications.

5. Might Disrupt The Endocrine System

Fennel also contains phytoestrogens, which are a family of plant hormones suspected to disrupt the functioning of the endocrine system. Hence, if you are suffering from any kind of ailment related to the endocrine system, avoid the use of fennel.

6. Might Be Unsafe For Babies

One report states that two infants had suffered from neurological damage when they were administered a herbal product that contained fennel (among other ingredients) . Hence, please consult your doctor before giving any form of fennel to your infants.


Truly healthful, indeed. Inexpensive. Easy to use. And it possesses a bounty of health benefits. What else would anyone want! Start taking fennel seed tea regularly, and you will thank us for sure.

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