Sometimes, standard documentaries don't cut the mustard. Occasionally, you'll find yourself in the mood to explore a darker, dirtier, or sexier side of life on-screen. That's where Netflix comes in handy. Netflix has some of the dirtiest documentaries around, but they're also incredibly insightful, enlightening, and important in expanding conversations around sex work and s3x positivity. Sure, things get explicit and possibly even cheeky to the point of embarrassment in some, but hey, these are documentaries. That means real life is being captured frame by frame. Isn't that what you came for?
While Netflix has a few documentaries, they cover a surprisingly wide range of sexy and sex-related topics. Whether it's a doc all about the Ashley Madison s3x scandal and its after-effects, or a Rashida Jones-produced look at the niche but the in-demand world of amateur porn, Netflix doesn't hold back on the dirty. So, if you find yourself having run down your normal Netflix queue to the point where you're aching for something new, why not try one of these documentaries? They may give you some sexy shivers, or they could push you to think about the world of all things sexual in new and unusual ways.
1. Ashley Madison: S3x, Lies, & Cyber Attacks
Journeyman Pictures of YouTube
This in-depth documentary discusses the 2015 Ashley Madison hack, which saw the mass release of private information of the users of the website knon for facilitating extramarital affairs.
2. Revenge Porn
This UK documentary takes a look at the insidious world of revenge porn. From how easily it can spring up to how difficult and legally frustrating it can be to take it down, Revenge Porn will make you think twice about your own s3xting habits.
3. Escorts
Be warned: Escorts is very explicit in what is reveals, although that is to the benefit of the subject matter itself. The documentary follows two women, Cookie and Emily, as they navigate their lives working as escorts in the very posh neighborhoods of London.
4. Hot Girls Wanted
moviemaniacsDE on YouTube
Rashida Jones produced Hot Girls Wanted and, in doing so, wanted to expose the amateur porn industry warts and all. The documentary seeks to tear down the negative ways the porn industry can treat its women, causing our own preconceptions about porn to come into question.
5. After Porn Ends
After Porn Ends on YouTube
The sometimes light, sometimes sad, and often brutally honest After Porn Endstakes a look at the lives of some of the most famous porn stars of the '70s, '80s, and '90s. Charting their rise to fame and their falls from grace, After Porn Ends is eye-opening.
6. Kink
Going behind the scenes of one of the most intense, niche, and unique porn sites on the internet today, Kink opens up the world shown in Fifty Shades of Grey to a wider context. BDSM for the cinema verité crowd never looked this good.
7. Respectable: The Mary Millington Story
Mary Millington Respectable on YouTube
This documentary goes deep into the life of one of the most famous porn stars in Britain in the '70s and examines her life afterwards, as she attempted to eke out a more normal life for herself.
8. Addicted To S3xting
Gravitas Ventures on YouTube
There's a good chance that, at one point of another, you have sent or received a sexy text. It's a common cultural practice in 2017 and for some of us, it's the one major way we get our kicks. But is there any danger to it? Can it become too addictive? Addicted To Sexting investigates with surprising results.
9. The Vasectomist
The Vasectomist on YouTube
Okay, so the mood may shift a little bit from sexy to real talk when it comes to The Vasectomist, but you know what? Safe sex and good sexual health are conversations we all need to be discussing.
10. Love Between The Covers
Love Between the Covers on YouTube
Romance novels are a booming industry and frankly, Love Between The Coversdoes a fantastic job of exploring the genre. Romance is sometimes prone to ridicule in certain literary circles, but this documentary not only dispels the nonsense, it brings the world of romantic fiction to life in a really fun way.
11. S3x In The Comix
You may be surprised to know that sex and comic books have a deep and longstanding relationship. S3x In The Comix pulls back the curtain to look at how s3x has been depicted in a variety of comics and what new meanings sex takes on when depicted in this popular medium.
It's about to get all kinds of sexy and dirty all up in your Netflix queue with the documentaries. Trust me: You can't go wrong, no matter which one you choose.
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