Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Important Benefits of Strength Training

Many people are a bit conscious about lifting weights. The benefits of strength training remain misunderstood and the vast majority still believes that such exercises are solely good for bulking up. Resistance training necessitates precise and highly controlled movements. It involves all of the major muscle groups and it produces an array of crucial benefits that go beyond bulking up.

Increased Metabolic Rate

Doing cardio isn’t the only option for speeding up your metabolism and getting more pronounced weight loss results. Researchers have already found evidence that certain kinds of resistance training can deliver excellent fat burning results. One of the clinical studies was presented in the Journal of Translational Medicine.

Participants in the experiment (trained lifters) were asked to do two different kinds of workouts. One group did eight kinds of weight lifting exercises using smaller weights and eight to 12 reps. The second group used much heavier weights and did three kinds of weight lifting exercises. The number of repetitions was smaller.

Members of the group using heavy weights and doing a smaller number of repetitions had a resting metabolic rate that was 452 calories higher than before the workout. The increase in the second group was solely 98 calories. The reason was simple. Heavyweights made the muscles work harder and involved bigger muscles/muscle groups.

Increased Flexibility and Reduced Risk of Injuries

Coordinated movements and the use of weights help for enhanced flexibility. A study conducted at Castelo Blanco University in Brazil found out that after eight weeks of resistance training, people saw enhanced flexibility. Their results were better than the ones of individuals doing static stretches.

Some people worry that more challenging resistance training routines could eventually lead to stiffness. Researchers worked with groups of such exercises, comparing them to people completing other workout routines. There was no difference in functional flexibility.

Weight lifting also reduces the risk of injuries. Stronger muscles reduce the risk of sprains, strains and other injuries. In addition, weight lifting contributes to stronger tendons and ligaments.

Stronger Immunity

The benefits of strength training are not related solely to fitness. Weightlifting reduces stress. During periods of stress, people experience immune system suppression. As a result, they’re more likely to suffer from a wide array of infections. Moderate resistance training is sufficient to boost the body’s natural defense mechanism.

Stronger immunity and decreased likelihood of suffering from diseases are just two health benefits of weightlifting. There is some evidence that weight lifting exercises contribute to a reduction in bad cholesterol, they reduce the risk of diabetes, strengthen the heart, reduce the risk of breast cancer in women, build bone mask (against osteoporosis) and causes less prominent PMS symptoms.

To experience all of these benefits, it’s very important to tailor the resistance training routine to your individual needs. People who want bigger and bulkier muscles should do one type of exercise. The ones interested in building lean muscles and improving their posture should opt for a completely different routine. Working with a personal trainer is an excellent option for exercising correctly and doing a highly beneficial resistance training routine.


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