Friday, June 21, 2019

Top 7-Move Workout to Tighten Underarm Skin

Underarm skin feeling a little fuller than normal? Then you'll love this quick and effective workout to get rid of loose and jiggly underarm skin. We picked the seven best exercises to target and tone your triceps and help define your upper body. Use this workout three times a week in conjunction with 150 minutes of cardio and a healthy diet for best results.

What you'll need:

a set of medium dumbbells
1 heavy dumbbell
medicine ball (or a basketball, soccer ball)
a set of light dumbbells
stopwatch/your smartphone to time your cardio intervals

Perform the number of reps associated with each exercise. Follow each set with a 30-second cardio interval of weighted scissor arms, shown below.

Weighted Scissor Arms (to be done in between each set):

Step 1: Begin in standing position grasping a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing each other.
Step 2: Lower yourself into a squat by bending your knees and sitting back as if you were in a chair. Keep your chest up, knees behind your toes and your butt down.
Step 3: Extend your arms out in front of you at shoulder height, palms still facing one another. Stay put in squat position with arms almost locked and “scissor” your arms in a quick up and down motion for 60 seconds.


Step 1: Stand with your feet under the hips and toes pointing forward. Hold the dumbbells in front of the thighs with the palms facing outward. Hinge at your hips until the butt goes behind the heels – keep your weight in the heels. Back is flat or slightly arched and chest is lifted.
Step 2: Exhale and send the arms out to the sides. Stop the weights at shoulder height. Remain in your hinged position. If you're swaying or rocking your body to get the weights up, the weight is too heavy. At the top of the move, squeeze the shoulder blades together.

» Perform 15 reps; then do 30 seconds of weighted scissor arms.

(Photo: Get Healthy U)

Step 1: Lie down on your side with your bottom arm wrapped around your core. Your top arm should be placed with your hand flat on the floor and your elbow at a 90-degree angle at your chest.
Step 2: Push through your top hand to lift your shoulders and torso off the ground, and then lower back down.
Step 3: Complete as many reps on this side as you can and then switch to your opposite side.

» Perform 15 reps on each side; then do 30 seconds of weighted scissor arms.


Step 1: Grab a pair of weights and get in pushup plank position with your hands grasping the handles of the weights, core tight.
Step 2: Lower your body, keeping elbows tight to your ribs.
Step 3: Pause at the bottom of your pushup, then press yourself back up into plank.
Step 4: Once back in the plank position, bend your left elbow and pull the weight up toward the side of your body. Try to graze your right side when you “row” the dumbbell up, keeping your elbow straight.
Step 5: Once back in the plank position, bend your left elbow and pull the weight up toward the side of your body. Try to graze your right side when you “row” the dumbbell up, keeping your elbow straight.
Step 6: Repeat the row movement with your right arm. That’s one repetition.

» Perform 8 reps on each side; then do 30 seconds of weighted scissor arms.


Step 1: Sit on the floor with knees bent, feet placed hip-width distance on the floor, hands on the floor behind you with your fingers pointing toward your body. Lift your hips off the floor and straighten your arms.
Step 2: Slowly bend at your elbows and lower your body to the floor. Pull your abdominal muscles tight and keep your elbows tucked into your body. Once you reach the bottom of the movement, slowly press off with your hands, and push yourself straight back up to the starting position. That is one rep.

» Perform 15 reps; then do 30 seconds of weighted scissor arms.


Step 1: Hold a decently heavy dumbbell with both hands and raise it over your head, keeping the weight vertical. Pull the elbows in closely so they're nearly squeezing your head. Keep your stance neutral.
Step 2: Dip the weight behind your head. Keep your elbows in close to your head — when you dip the weight back, your elbows will want to flare out. Instead, keep it tight and depend on the triceps to hold it together.

» Perform 15 reps; then do 30 seconds of weighted scissor arms.


Step 1: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold your dumbbells at your sides. Your knuckles should be in the front. Slightly bend the knees, lock the core and lean forward. Do not round your back — keep it flat or gently arched. Look at the floor about 5 feet in front of you.
Step 2: Exhale and push the dumbbells backward about 6 to 8 inches. Keep your torso at the same angle with your chest open. Sink back into your heels to work the hamstrings a little more.

» Perform 15 reps; then do 30 seconds of weighted scissor arms.


Step 1: Start in pushup position with a medicine ball under your right hand.
Step 2: Drop down and complete a pushup.
Step 3: After you raise back to starting position, roll the medicine ball to be underneath your left hand.
Step 4: Drop down and complete a pushup. Continue alternating sides each rep.

» Perform 8 reps on each side; then do 30 seconds of weighted scissor arms.

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