Friday, July 19, 2019

6 Pack Abs Guide

The hardest part of the journey to get ripped and bring out your abs may just be the first step. Not only is getting started physically hard, but you also have to deal with conflicting and confusing advice from all sides. That’s why we’ve combined the thinking of some of the top names in physique sports to create this comprehensive six-pack guide.

Transform your body and your lifestyle with this comprehensive guide. Everything you need to know about training, eating, and supplementation.

Eating to Achieve a Six-Pack in 12 Weeks

It’s often said that abs are made in the kitchen. Adopt a clean eating regimen, which focuses on whole, unprocessed foods and shuns refined grains, sugar, saturated fat and excess sodium. Meals consist primarily of 4 to 5 ounces of lean protein and fresh vegetables. Protein helps support your efforts at the gym and prevent the loss of muscle as you trim calories to lose fat. Eat just 1/2 cup to 1 cup of whole grains or starchy vegetables at a few meals during the day, especially around the time of your workout. Also include small servings — a tablespoon or two per day — of healthy unsaturated fats to make you feel satisfied and support good health.

Divvying up your calories over five to six mini meals throughout the day can help you get all the nutrients, especially protein, you need. Mini meals also support the energy you need for workouts and keep your metabolism humming.

Determine your calorie needs for fat loss to achieve a six-pack by first using an online calculator that uses activity level, age, gender and size to figure out how many calories you require to maintain your weight. From this maintenance number, subtract 250 to 500 calories to determine about how many calories per day you should eat to lose 1/2 to 1 pound per week. Each of your mini meals should contain 300 to 500 calories, depending on how many calories you determine you need daily.


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