Saturday, February 08, 2025

Joseph Smith at Liberty Jail

Triumph Over Your Enemies

Joseph Smith wrote the following from Liberty Jail after receiving letters from loved ones: “We need not tell you that the floodgates of our hearts were opened and our eyes became a fountain of tears, but those who have not been shut up within prison walls without cause or provocation, can have little idea how sweet is the voice of a friend; a token of friendship from any source awakens and sets in action every feeling of sympathy… until at last all enmity, malice, and hatred, and past differences, misunderstandings, and ill-treatment are victoriously destroyed at the feet of hope; and when the heart is sufficiently contrite, then the voice of inspiration enters and whispers, ‘My son, peace to your soul; your adversity and your afflictions shall be but for a little moment; and then, if you will bear them well, God will exalt you on high; you will triumph over all your enemies.

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