Tuesday, March 13, 2018

How To Get Ripped Abs

Everybody wants to have a stomach that is flat and very toned. Some people want a six pack or even an eight pack. What works for one person may not work for all. Many people spend a lot of time doing exercises that directly target their stomach muscles. That is a pretty good approach but it is not the only thing that you must do. Sure, you need to build lean muscle mass in that area but doing that alone is not the right approach. If you want to learn how to get ripped abs, you really have to do more than that.

For many people, the missing element is their diet and a fat loss strategy. If you want to know how to get ripped abs that looks great at the beach or with your shirt off, you have to have low body fat. Your body fat percentage to show off your abs is different for men and women. For men, they typically need to get down to around 8% body fat for women they need to get down to around 12% body fat. That might sound unfair to you but men and women carry fat differently, women have a genetic and evolutionary reason for caring more fat in various places so their overall body fat will typically be higher than a man while also having a toned and ripped look.

When it comes to dropping fat to show off your stomach muscles, you should focus on more high-intensity training also known as HIIT or high intensity interval training. This form of cardiovascular exercise is all about doing short burst of intense cardio workouts. The intent of this workout is to quickly burn as many calories as fast as possible. People who are into building muscle and having toned muscles use HIIT because it gets them fit more quickly. It is one of the best ways to drop fat.

The next thing that you will need is a workout that will directly target your abdominal muscles. Notice that we said abdominal muscles. It is plural because your abs are not just one set of muscles. We don’t move in only one direction or in only one dimension, so our core muscles are all different and play a different role and our rotational movement.

Your workout plan should hit every last one of these groups. You should focus on the classic muscle groups that everyone sees, but you should also focus on the muscles that are responsible for moving you side to side since they too play a role in giving off a very ripped ab appearance. Take a look at someone with really great ab development and you notice that they have muscles coming from all directions. This is because their body fat is very low and they have built up their core.

So if you are learning how to get ripped abs, then this is the approach that you should take. It is the only approach that actually works because it takes in an account diet and exercise.

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