Thursday, July 26, 2018

Home Remedies To Get Bigger Breasts Without Surgery

In this contemporary era, women hold a lot of important positions in various sectors of life. Though women are known for their strong minds and extraordinary souls, there are still few simple girly-geeky things that every woman desires to possess which boosts up her self-esteem and confidence! And as per Nature’s commands, women and men are attracted to each other in various ways. This article is going to speak and discuss the solutions of one such woman’s physical complication, the need of having bigger breasts.

Many women believe that men are attracted to those bigger buddies and hence that fact makes them obviously crave for it so much so that they go for artificial and surgical breast enhancement methods. But, they also fear a lot of side-effects in them.

But do not worry girls, read on this blog to know the amazing remedies nature has provided to get that attractive charm beauty in your body.

Reasons for Under-Developed Breasts:

Before we speak about the breast enlargement techniques, it’s essential to be aware of why the breast are underdeveloped for their age in some women. Listed down are the top reasons,
Malnutritional diet
Hormonal imbalance leading to less estrogen production
Genetic disorder
Usage of drugs/medications related to weight loss
Irregular periods
Emotional problems

So taking care of the above factors is essential before we jump into any random tries.

Exercise is one of the tops and most effective home remedies that help to enlarge the breasts.
Push Ups:

You have to do 3 sets of push-ups with 15-20 repetitions, an exercise which is used to strengthen your upper body and builds up the core strength. This exercise when done regularly can naturally have your breasts grow faster in just one month.
Arms Press Against Wall:

Go near the wall and stretch your arms such that your palms touch the wall. Now try to push the wall bending your arms back and forth continuously at least for 5-7 times. This gives a great blood circulation and thrust on your upper body and helps the breast muscles to develop better naturally.
Chest Squeeze:

Doing three sets of 15 reps regularly add more firmness to the pectoral muscles. Lie down on your back with your knees bent. Your feet should be flat on the floor. Hold the dumbbell in each hand. Push up the dumbbells in such a way that your palms are up and arms over your shoulders. Tilt your chin in the direction of the chest, pulling your abdominals in. Lower down the dumbbells slightly towards the side so that your elbows are beneath your shoulders. Move your shoulder blades back and down.

Diet is another important factor that affects the growth of breasts. Read on the following to know the natural diets that have to be consumed to have your bosoms grow faster.
Dairy Products:

Breast development is hugely dependent on your body’s fat intake. So consume a lot of dairy products as they are a great natural and healthy source of fats.Some dairy products that can be a part of your daily diet are cottage cheese/paneer, milk, curd, and yogurt.

Bananas are rich in magnesium and potassium. They are also very good natural muscle depressants which can increase the breast size in women. But care should be taken while consuming bananas as only the fibrous ones are an effective remedy and not the plump ones.
Mixed Fruit Smoothie:

Take 3-4 strawberries, 2 slices of Kiwi fruit, few flaxseeds, ½ peeled Ans sliced cucumber, 1 peeled and sliced orange, ½ cup of plain and low-fat yogurt and blend them in a blender. Drink this easy homemade smoothie every day. Smoothies are known to increase the density of muscles and tissues around your waists and breasts.

There are a few spices are which are responsible for breast enlargement. These spices can be either be taken all alone in powder format or just used as a sprinkler in salads or flakes.

This is a flavorful herb which contains a special substance, diosgenin that supports the bust tissue growth in women. It also reduces the speed of fat burning process thereby making your breasts look large and firm.
Sesame Oil:

Women can massage their breasts in circular motions every day with warm sesame oil. This is a traditional practice followed by ancient women to firm the breast muscles and enlarge them as well.
Honey Mask:

Honey is purely nature’s enchanting gift for any health issue. Apply raw honey on your breast area and massage softly to increase your breast growth. You can also massage with a mix of warm olive oil and honey to get better results.

General Advice:
Take chicken and dry fruits as they increase your breast size consistently. But make sure you do this with regular exercise to avoid exaggerated fat buildup in your body.
Avoid chocolates, caffeine in any form and sweet aerated drinks since the caffeine content is known to reduce the estrogen production in your body.
Avoid using weight loss pills and drugs. The formula used in some of the weight loss pills are capable of reducing and even desisting the breast development in women.
Wear comfortable lingerie that makes your breasts look bigger and fuller. Try wearing push up lingerie as it gives an enhanced look of whatever you got in there with necessary support.
Avoid tight inner garments as they will resist the air flow and might cause annoyance in those areas.
Always remove your bra while sleeping.

Hope you enjoyed reading this article. Do try these effective and easy home remedies rather than going for artificial and tedious surgical procedures which might jeopardize your overall health. This also helps in avoiding your expenditure on lots of beauty treatments, chemicals, and surgical treatments.

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